Did you pick Aether or Lumine?

Lol consider we humans celebrate each time we complete a round around the sun and believe in person who technically just said "be nice to eachother" and treated him like shit when he was alive, crucified him and left him there to die, but thousands of years later some people call him the "god" and the "creator of this universe" just because he happens to have just said "be nice to eachother" and don't even get me started over other religions

It's in our blood to give significance to insignificant things and die over it

If still i am unable to make you understand this simple fact of human psychology, please read the book "The art of Not Giving a F*ck" and in brief it's a book about not giving a fuck about what others say and doing what you like and makes you happy as in the end nothing actually matters because we all have to die one day

/r/Genshin_Memepact Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it