They've figured out what divides us. And it's working. Regardless of how you feel right now, chill the fuck out.

Okay, here is the rundown pede. I checked your account and you seem to be an actual pede.

The narrative has changed. The entire sub is being flooded with pro war shills. Hillary came out pro Syria attack and even knew the airstrip that was going to be attacked in advance. McCuck and Graham come out in favor too. All the globalists do too. CNN gives Trump the first day of positive coverage in a year after the strike. Etc. etc. etc.

Connect the dots. The shills will also be supporting the war since they shill for those globalists. On the same page?

Now we have the sub full of shills telling us to "stop concern trolling" and to "burn all the Trump youtubers who were concerned at the stake." They are pushing that the strike was a good thing, being pro war is good and that there is no way Trump was tricked into the strike. Cernovich says this is wrong and he was lied to. Cernovich who just broke the Susan Rice story says his source is as good as the Susan Rice source.

Trump was lied to. The shills are attacking any pede who says anything negative as concern trolls and many other memeing Trump supporters are falling in line with groupthink and don't even understand what is happening. We are being memed into war by shills. They are winning. I got caught up and figured all of this out in an hour. I hope everyone else can see what is going on.

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent