Thinking about jumping into FFXIV

As far as endgame goes, you might find it severely lacking compared to WoW depending on what kind of player you are.

The only "real" high difficulty endgame battle content is Savage mode, which consists of 4 bosses that are released every 6 to 8 months, and one Primal boss that's released every 3 to 4 months. That's a very small number compared to what you might be used to in Legion, so if you're a hard core player that plays many hours a day, you might find yourself out of things to do once you're all caught up.

The 24 man raids that many of the other comments mentioned is honestly hardly worth mentioning, because they're literally this games version of LFR. They're incredibly easy and only drop lower item level gear that's really only useful for catching up or gearing alts.

The PVP is also basically nonexistent in comparison.

I still encourage you to try it out, because it's definitely a good game, but just know that there isnt really all that much hard-core battle content available. That being said, there are a lot of other types of content if you're interested in them.

/r/ffxiv Thread