Those who drive nice/expensive cars, how do you afford them?

I'm currently on £30k and I would absolutely not dream of trying to buy a car above £10k. Maybe around £5-6k, but I would be researching it for a while and making sure I understood the total running costs.

I'm anticipating a large salary increase next month, but even then it would be a combination of me and my fiancee putting our funds together if we wanted a "nice" car. Neither of us actually give a damn about what car it is, so long as it's practical, reliable, comfortable and reasonably fuel efficient. I know a lot of people want to appear wealthy and they justify an expensive car on the basis "I deserve it" or as a one-up on what their coworker has.

Personally, I'd rather knock about everywhere on an e-bike. £8k gets you an amazing one of those!

/r/UKPersonalFinance Thread