I thought it was a joke til it put in the link to the PayPal. this reels of entitlement

Don’t bother tbh. They think that trans people are horrible “TRAs” just due to the nature of being trans. They claim to not hate trans people, but we’re one of the only minorities you can actively, publicly shit on and be applauded for.

Someday, it’ll look just as bad as people being openly homophobic. I’m not trying to change the world man, I’m not trying to trans peoples kids, I’m not pushing some agenda. I’m working full time and paying the bills while usually minding my own business.

Folks like this get their news and political opinions from screenshots on Twitter posted on Reddit, or YouTube SJW fail compilations on YouTube. I know because I used to talk to people like this and several of my irl friends are still this way after 30.

/r/Cringetopia Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it