I thought this only happened in movies

When I was in middle school I had this group of female bullies who would spread all kinds of rumors about me. One day while I was in the middle of taking a test they decided to tell the teacher I was talking about much of a bitch she was while doing my test.

Back then I was the quiet kid who sat in the back of the room and didn't talk. Hell I never even cursed till I started playing to much Halo online in high school.

So the teacher comes over and snatches me up and drags me out of the room, begins to lecture me and demand I apologize or I would go and see the principle and I would get an F on my test.

Of course I was confused as hell, she wouldn't explain what I had done, and the more I tried to ask what I had done wrong the angrier she got.

I ended up breaking down and running off, crying in the bathroom. When the tutor teacher came in to retrieve me she began to lecture me as well. I asked what I had even done wrong, and she told me "a girl" in class had told them what I had done. I tried to explain I had done nothing, and I asked if so-n-so had said it. (I knew there names). She would not tell me, but I explained that these four-five girls would constantly bully and spread rumors. The tutor didn't care, and dragged me out of the bathroom and to the principles office.

I got yelled at a third time by the principle, even though I continued to try to tell them I had done nothing. I was a mess at this point, I had 3 adults telling me what a disappointment and horrible student I was. When I wouldn't admit anything they sent me to the counselors office for the rest of the class period.

The counselor asked why I did it, why I wouldn't admit it, why I was BLAMING this group of girls for spreading rumors about me.

Eventually the counselor stated to HAGGLE with me. Started telling me if I just admitted to doing it, I could go back to class and I would be ALLOWED to finish my test and not get an automatic F.

I started yelling in my fit of tears that I had done nothing and I was not going to admit to something I had not done.

I ended up spending the rest of the school day in that office, wasn't even allowed lunch. I hated my life as a kid.

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