This thread is an interesting read, especially in light of the catcalling discussions we've had in the past.

Quite an interesting orgasm of a thread. And yes, I did intend to use that word.

It's an orgasm of social validation and reinforcement. I realized this wasn't just a collection of women sharing their experiences when a great deal of posts and replies began belaboring the point about how women have it so tough compared to men, and lamenting that fact that more people (specifically men) didn't conform to this perceived truth. This is the belief that the thread was about.

I wonder if I interjected with my own experiences of receiving hostile inappropriate remarks from my female peers when I was young. Not just isolated and flirtatious remarks, but the act of sexual jeering precisely because they knew I didn't like it. I suppose that they would point to the thread's title and affirm that the thread was about (ahem) women's experiences, completely oblivious to the fact that they had made it relevant to men by making the comparison to them in the first place. Such policing would simply be in the interests of maintaining the atmosphere of social ecstasy. Do not disturb the masses who are pleasuring themselves on the fetish of women's victimization.

You don't shit on someone's pleasure right as they're getting off. That's just rude.

If it sounds like I'm being condescending, that's because I am. These are a bunch of people succumbing to their social instincts and having a pleasurable bonding session over a shared meme that's very close to their emotional beings. I would not be so negative about this happening if I were naive enough to believe that these people would not allow this to color their understanding about objective reality. Or better yet, act as psychological defense against counter-evidence. And for the worse off among them, act as dehumanization ammunition against those that don't think like they do.

But it will. I'm absolutely sure of it. That's just how the human mind functions. We're pack animals at heart, and always will be.

/r/FeMRADebates Thread Link -