Three myths about Marxism

This is the stupidest fucking take I've seen in a while.

1) Marxism rejects reforms and only calls to revolutions:

In his 1883 letter to the French labor leaders, who rejected the value of social reforms, Marx accused them of “revolutionary phrase-mongering” and wrote: "If that is Marxism, then I am not a Marxist". 1. Marx, and Engles specifically speak to the absolute need for violent revolution against the bourgeoisie. Because any unified action we take will be met with strong oppositional violence.

  1. You're entirely ignoring historical epochs. That yes the capitalist class had a historic developmental role. As Marx & Engles said capitalism is incredibly good at developing the means of production. However the further capitalism exist in it's own epoch the more it drives it's own efficiency down. As well as develops further the very means of it's destruction.

3) Marxist theory was founded in the book Capital

Marxism originates from The German Ideology, co-authored by Marx and Engels. This groundbreaking book was written in 1846 but did not find a publisher for almost a hundred years.

  1. This is a fun fact that means nothing Capital was distributed in Engles life.

Also next time don't cite a book that literally doesn't know a single thing it's talking about. The author is a hack.

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