Mission Alerts (70 vBucks) 12:00AM UTC 29/May/2019

Here's my experience today (don't feel like making a post)

Did the 108 Vbucks mission, I (pl131) got teamed with 3 other pl131s, we did it easily, we got the sc, we did the launcher, each of use did out part on building the base, and trap tunnels easy peasy

I felt like eating, so I decided to do the plank mission public (I do most planks in private), I made the tunnels, placed my BASE, built the fort, and alerted my teammates that the tunnels should do all the work, if there is a problem, let me know. We started the mission. 2 of my teammates afked. The other guy asked for mats, I said "I'm eating, I'm not a charity, just let me know if something is wrong to the objective". 1st wave go by, my tunnels did all the work. I started the 2nd wave, dipshit place walls in front of my tunnels, and blew up the propane. Dipshit also made the walls into arches and failed the mission on purpose, because I didn't give him mats. F*CK THE BEGGARS, FROM NOW ON I AM 100% DOING MY STONEWOOD AND PLANK MISSIONS IN PRIVATE. I wasted my brick, and my time because dipshit wanted me to give him mats, once again I'M NOT A CHARITY

/r/FORTnITE Thread Link - cdn.discordapp.com