TIL that in Civilization V, the theme song for Alexander the Great is the oldest surviving complete musical composition, including musical notation, from anywhere in the world

Downvote and ignore me. I'm indifferent. But I must make a attempt to show people what they do onto others, and what would otherwise be deleted...

This was my personal vent, which I was planning on deleting before posting. ...Mods delete it.

Man, if I could I would pay you - honestly swear to god - pay you if you could tell me why everyone on Reddit is always hostile to me. I can say "Good morning friends!" and be downvoted to hell, called a cunt, and leave my heels sliced in the sand with the sound of chants and rallied support.

There must be something wrong with my brain, because when I read what I wrote I never said anything mean, or insulting...Holy shit am I insane?

I mean every fucking time I comment, I get this response that I'm a asshole, and should shut up. I lowered my status whilst correcting - making it meek, and the person I reply to lordly....

I'm trying my fucking hardest to just be a normal dude, to encourage discussion, to be nice. There wasn't a hurt bone in my body - I was having a good discussion I thought, then I was downvoted to hell, and now you're acting like my feeling were hurt because someone commented with a belief I neither disagreed with, nor agreed with. I just wanted to talk...

Did I correct him, and now I'm seen as a contrarion cunt, to be stifled.

Is he the lord of all, incapable of error even in passing? Is it culturally unacceptable for me to contradict someone whilst literally lowering my position.

I did a curtesy at the end, stated a honest belief that I knew little and simply wished to expand my mind.

Here, I'll do it as you'd prefer Reddit.

"I am a ignorant cunt, a fucking bottom bitch who knows nothing, I'm below even comatose people with no grey matter. I'm truly a fucking idiot. But...I heard from someone infinitely more intelligent than me, that stoic discipline was a major part of Greek thought. And in my extremely humble inability to differentiate truth from fiction, or even begin to understand sequential logic, I meekly accepted it. And from another I heard Stoic discipline holds fame only as a tool - and post death fame as useless. Please don't hurt me, I'm not even worth the time berating."

Jesus fucking christ, I get this shit enough at home. Now I can't even relax and talk about my favorite subject with people who likewise hold it in high regard. I don't even belong among my own fucking kind.

You win people. I give up. Epictetus, I'm sorry. I will re-read your works...Apparently I'm still entirely base. It's not my role to play to be accepted socially - let alone be treated as kindred.

Marcus, You're right. I've read your works at least 4 times - but...I'm still not free from their grips. "Even in the death of the perfect man, there will be those that say 'Finally, we're free from this man, it's true he never said or did Ill, but I always believed he secretly held us in animosity"

"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”

I revoke it. I'm not to be socially accepted - it's not my role. To desire what I cannot have - is base. I will soon die and be free of these people, and beautifully they free of me.

This may all be true, but if given the option, although it base. I'd cut my tongue clear off if people would just stand the sight of my closed mouth without socially ostracizing me.

Ironically this appeal will only further ostracize me. A wounded animal only weakens the pack, don't just ostracize me - put me out of this misery and cull. I guess I know how you felt Mach, perhaps I should do as you did - open a book and be accepted there.

--Know that while I don't belong here, I do know a little that I would of loved to share - if only people could see past my errors in grammar, or my utilization of appeal trinity.

I held no hurt feelings until I realized my flaw. I hold no hurt feelings now by virtue of greek discipline. I will play my role accordingly. Self ostracizing will at the least give me my own terms.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org