Tom Macdonald- Brainwashed. Its Fucking Tom Macdonald of course its shit

Took 10 minutes to look into this and in 5 of his 6 latest songs he has a bar where he says "Im a whiteboy rapping and people call me racist"- line. If you go to /r/conspiracy and sort by most upvotes you could find all the lyrics for this guys whole discography.

I also love the transphobia of "but one day I'll be a father And I really hope my son don't grow up to be my daughter" and comparing bigots with people with physical disabilities "If stairs are the problem, we build wheelchair ramps" We don't cancel feet or persecute the people with legs" might be one of the most dumb bars ive heard.

He is like Eminem but if Em had a speech impediment and mild dyslexia

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