Then maybe don’t run as a fucking Democrat?

Bernie voted no to increase military budget for Trump and to allow space force.

Nancy voted yes.

Bernie voted no every year Trump was in office for military spending

And yet he's voted yes on several bills trump signed off on.

He has 12% overlap with Trump's agenda on voting and Nancy has 18% and she's the one who has to lead the House. So Bernie supports trump almost as much while not having to pass a budget each year.

Bernie is also absent from way more votes than Nancy Pelosi because he doesn't do his job as much.

My argument is about giving Trump more money for his unconstitutional wars. Again why did Nancy pass this authorization?

Trump hasn't started any wars so if the wars are unconstitutional then they were still unconstitutional before he became President and when Bernie voted to fund them. Basic logic.

Bernie absolutely is not part of the establishment lol

He is.

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