Took a tolerance / life break. Last order of WGN was about 30 bucks for 6 pounds. Now 5 pounds are ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY BUCKS?

This is not temporary. Too much exposure, significantly from this sub, although there are a great many who still have their heads in the sand if not elsewhere. So ya, stay away if you can. You did yourself the huge favor and took that break; it's in your best interest to make it permanent. You're in the clear man; so many of us would love to be in your shoes. Exposure is going to increase since there are no plans for this sub to go dark, because harm reduction. Prices will increase and already short supplies will dwindle. So we introduce new users, give them all the info they need to get addicted, and then we try to reduce the harm we caused by getting them hooked in the first place. You can't make this shit up.

/r/PoppyTea Thread