Top 3 rookies this split are TSMA graduates!

I didn't play this season. But supports have always dictated lane IMO. Seems even more so now. I feel like lane is 95% support and 5% ADC doing the right things at the right time. It's on us to understand both the adc and sup match-ups and spikes while also keeping a mental clock of possible jungle positions and sums.

There's also the synergy factor. There were some FANTASTIC ADC's I've played with where I'd literally rather be supporting a silver AD. I'd just straight up tell them that our styles didn't match. I could either take the time to learn how he thinks so I could or they could find a different support. Despite DL being perma weak-side. It also appears his synergy with both Bio and treatz is on a base level. If Doublelift gets the right support or meshes with Bio or Treatz- things could end up looking much different real quick. Shoot, he might end up meshing well with both eventually and some weird 6 man thing could happen.

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