Top ZDH (101 clear) in non seas (2-4 player) wanting to make a S7 in depth guide/video.. Any tips or questions to help me?

That's quite a lot but honestly the way I see it is all of this is only made possible by wizards ability to solo DPs four man party. Without that, I don't see you having a role clearing 5-10 levels below the zenith.
As far as the damage buffs, being the most, you have to consider density is needed and you are slowing everything and running in groups without a pull. Those two things are at odds with each other. Survivability wise, you are essentially unable to be in the scrum. No globes means yes, you can only run with wizard DPs which essentially defines this as speed only. But you can't give speed buffs. No ias buff, no crit buff besides gems that anyone can use. So you have sentry mitigation that does nothing for ranged projectiles, and can't provide ignore pain. Why would anyone e take dh over any other class in the meta?

I get that you want to play your dh, I just don't feel I should gimp groups with my choice. I read your rather lengthy post and am not convinced. If you want to push for dh popularity then maybe I can see your angle. Otherwise, really all you are doing is justifying something that is not optimal. For me, d3 is about efficiency and playing some non optimal build because I like it thematically dictates what you're about in game. Ie - my fun is worth your efficiency minus ten percent

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