Torrent Site Farce is Worse Than DRM

So far everything has been one sided. The stories have gone so far off the deep end the people telling them believe what they are saying.

Let us break down the walls and truths and lies.

First big one is that the Hurricane Sandy fund was a fraud.

In fact it was shut down very soon after it was launched. Very little money was collected and what money was collected went to the Red Cross of America.

People will say this is a lie. OK prove that it is.

Next the prizes on Bitsoup are fake. Another Lie. Every member who has won is in fact 100% real. Prove they are fake.

Next we hear about Hark nasty fundraiser.

Yes it is true his house did burn down. Yes there was a fundraiser setup for him. Yes some money was collected that should have gone to him. The fraud is not by Bitsoup the fraud is Harknastey took a massive donation in person from a member something that all staff know is 100% against the rules. He was warned not to. He was told not to. He did anyway. We can not have a Sysop in the USA taking money directly from anyone. This is why he was forced to step down. No he was not kicked form the site. He just could not be in a Staff position. I have copy of conversation if needed but prove this is not true.

There is a rule that no staff is to ever accept money from any member in real life. Yes when Paypal was there we had safe guards to protect the donar and protect the staff.

The laws in Canada are not the same as in USA.

In Canada hosting a torrent site isn't a crime. Even making a profit from said site isn't a crime. This is in part why many Torrent sites are hosted in Canada. and other country's that have same laws.

People say we make a ton of money because of the amount of vip members we have. Funny how spawn2 does not admit in the threads that many ex staff become part of the vip group and many old members have been vip for ages. Others are lifetime vip members from winning prizes or contests just as Cherrypie aka Beg4funds did.

Her only screw up was she directly or indirectly posted martial from Bitsoup to these threads and broke the rules she agreed to obey.

This is why she is here attacking us.

Why the hate towards the staff Earlybird or Bitsoup itself is the real question.

Is it because after 12yrs of people just taking and taking and taking the site took a stand and said enough taking off the backs of others that now they cry and whine and stomp around like big babies.

They are fully OK with Bitsoup being shutdown and screwing over the other 100k plus members that did nothing wrong to be attacked because a small group of people don't like the fact they got kicked to the curb and while they might have another home to go to and abuse that site they cant abuse Bitsoup any longer.

They are so desperate to take the site and its founder down they don't care about the same people they say bitsoup scammed. But here is the key. Bitsoup is still there. Those members who donated are still there. Only people not there are the attackers and cry babies.

They feel all tough typing behind a keyboard but would be big babies in real life. They think we have inside help from reddit.

Bitsoup does not provide content to anyone. That is the whole design of P2P. MPAA knows the laws in Canada do not allow them to act the way they do in USA. They have tried in the past and failed.

Long story short is to those who are reading this we are not IPT.

We do not hijack other site domains. We do not steal Peers.

We do not DDOS other torrent sites so we can be #1.

The vast amount of members on Bitsoup enjoy being there.

When the UK blocked access we setup workarounds.

When Bitsoup was under attack we setup protection all things that cost money.

The Vast majority of Bitsoup members do not feel Bitsoup a scam. They donate when they want to and get rewarded by having a site that to date is pretty stable online wise. in 12yrs running site has not been down more then 48hrs total in 12yrs.

We must be doing something right. To those who hate us keep hating. We do not force you to use our site. You are not entitled to use our site.

His other business are attacked as scams as well? Why? what proof you have of that? what other comments by people on other forums with other complaints that can not be proven either.

This is the wonderful world of the internet. We see it every day.

People can say what ever they want without checks or balances and others are there to eat up the lies and spread them like wild fire.

This is no different from the old game we learned as kids called telephone.

Remember? by time the message gets to the end of the line it is 100% different then when it started

You think Torrent site owners live off the monies. Most site owners have real lives. Anyone stupid enough to live off of a torrent site is asking for trouble down the road. Torrent sites wont always be here. Many have come and gone and more will

To end this story I will say the following. If you do not like what Bitsoup offers then SHUT THE FUCK UP GET A LIFE AND USE ANOTHER SITE.

Sorry had to vent there. No one asked you to use Bitsoup. You have a choice to use another site. well now you don't cause a small pack of you got banned.

Bitsoup staff might not be that stupid after all.

So now with Lights Out it was a way to ensure there was enough support to keep the site free for the vast amount of non donar's

Now they are going membership based only. You call this a pay to leech site?

I say no. What this does is ensure there is a place for people to call home a community for the people by the people.

A site where everyone is equal. A site that is old as many say but yet is still just as fast content wise as some bigger sites.

So there you have it. From the Staff of Bitsoup to the world.

We do not care what outsiders think or say. Our mandate is to be there for the people who want us to be there. To ensure we do not have to beg for support. To ensure we do not allow many to leech of the backs of the hardworking uploaders and feel oh my ratio is fine so not a dime.

Speaking of dime. All this could have been avoided. The mindset of a very small amount of people is free free free free fuck everything else.

The vast amount of members have been there since 2005 2006 and 90% of those have never in 12yrs offered a penny in support.

The cost of a cup of coffee every few years even. yet they spend tons on seeding boxes. Hard Drives Fast Internet yet tell sites like Bitsoup and any other Torrent site to go fuck yourself.

I will be clear I am not here to debate. I will not reply to any comments made in this thread or any other thread.

I have said how I feel and now will go back to Bitsoup and take care of my members.

To the haters I say this.

I am here 12yrs in and will be for as long as people want to call Bitsoup their home. See you on the DARK SIDE.

/r/trackers Thread Link -