Totally lost in learning

Start simple and progress. Some ideas are, 1. Choose a testing framework (junit testng) and write a simple test with that testing framework 2. Convert that simple test to a very simple selenium test using page object pattern, reusable code for the page in the pageObject class and the test just calls the code 3. Create a baseTest, that has the boilerCode and make your test extend that class 4. Create reporting (eg extentsReport) and/or logging eg log4j2 5.configure the test framework (junit / testng and log4j2 with .xml files) 6. Create listeners and testRetry / retry Analyser 7. Create a driverFactory that creates a webDriver, with options 8. A config file to set the properties of the run (eg path to output the report, browserType) 9. Create a selenium wrapper, that has selenium commands. 10. Read / write to excel 11. Make it thread safe (webdriver and reports) so tests run in parallel 12. Use CI CD e.g. jenkins or something similar 13. Use docker 14. Use selenium grid

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