“The Trading Stance is the most fundamentally important part of League of Legends laning phase, maybe even the game.” - PhRoXzOn of unswlolsoc

"The Trading Stance is the most fundamentally important part of League of Legends laning phase, maybe even the game."

"If you can master the trading stance it will increase your win rate by 50%, maybe even 70%."

I personally prefer game analysis to be strictly analytical, not a sales pitch.

The Trading Stance is a good idea, but it is vastly unexplored in the OP analysis. The OP analysis barely scratches the surface of what is actually important in this type of trade.

Math teachers often ask you to show your work. The solution itself is unimportant when compared to your understanding of the process required to solve the problem.

In the same vein, the actual mechanics of this type of trading is unimportant. It doesn't do much good to quantify this trade as harassing the enemy when they go for CS, and it doesn't do much good to say that if you can win an extended trade, then you should extend the trade.

It's significantly more essential to understand why you go for a trade when the enemy goes for CS. It's more important to know when and if you can even do that based on a number of factors, such as recognizing range advantage and understanding ability potential. Everyone knows you should extend the trade if you'll win an extended trade; it's more important to understand when and why you can win an extended trade. The OP analysis pokes at this ideas a little, but not nearly enough for how essential these ideas are.

With the above in mind, I think it's crass to say The Trading Stance is even remotely as important as Champion Knowledge when the idea of The Trading Stance is explored as it was here: As the shell of idea, rather than a comprehensive analysis.

If the time is taken to explore The Trading Stance in a more robust way, I think players will develop a significantly better understanding of the actual fundamentals of a trade.

/r/summonerschool Thread