
I've been working with Speechpad since January and have nothing but good things to say about them. I've tried other companies where the selection process is brutal, you spend a ridiculous amount of time (and sometimes money) going through their tests and learning their guidelines, and when you finally get in, all that's available are minute-long files where you don't even know what you're gonna get before you agree to do it. I always felt like despite doing tons of these little files, at the end of the day I never ended up with more than just a couple of bucks. The selection process with Speechpad is painless. It's very easy to get in, but the thing is, your work gets rated, and if you don't make good ratings, you don't get to advance and be better qualified. The more qualifications acquire, the more available jobs you'll get. The more jobs you complete, the more high-paying jobs there'll be available to you. You can always listen to a 15s sample of the file before you agree to work on it, and you can choose between different files with different durations and sometimes different rates (depending on your qualifications). They tell you upfront the time you have to finish and submit the file and the money you're gonna get if it is approved. In all the time I've been working with them, I've only had one file rejected but honestly? the guidelines are always available to you in each work you agree to do. If you pay close attention to them, you shouldn't have a problem. They keep good communication with their typists. I've contacted them several times and I've always gotten a response. Oh and also? They've always paid me on time, never had a problem with that. Regarding making a decent amount of money? Well, I can tell you that I now have a new MacBook to work on which I didn't have before I started doing this, but I can also tell you that I'm not the sole provider of my family and I'm very lucky to have a husband with a decent salary. I make anything between $100 and $250 two times a month, depending on the available work and MY availability (I have a little kid). One thing I can tell you is the work in never, ever, regular. There are days where I make sure to put everything aside to be able to sit down and do nothing but straight work for 5-6 hours and as luck would have it, there are zero jobs available (or crappy rates). There are other times when the kid just got home from school, I have three pots in the stove, I haven't taken a shower, the dog's banging on the door because she has to pee and of course, one hour-long files with the best possible rates they have. The unstable nature of this job still bothers me. I can never know how much I'm gonna make in a week because it's not up to me, really. But give it a try, It's the best company I've found so far. I didn't get approved on Rev but I've also heard great things about them. Good luck!

/r/WorkOnline Thread