Google raters at Leapforce settle legal complaints over abuse, wages owed

I only worked a few months for LeapForce, and then was transferred over to RaterLabs, but even in that short time I had one completely bogus evaluation. I rated a youtube video result with a low or N/A rating because the link was completely dead, which I noted in the comment as the specific reason for my rating choice. My (apparently automated) evaluation said I should have rated it higher. When I contacted support and explained it, they messaged me back saying basically "oh, sometimes that happens, the link is dead, but we can not revise evaluations, sorry." I ended up being restricted to fewer hours because of it, and eventually terminated for lack of hours worked. I don't know if there's really anything I can do about this, but it certainly seems wrong that they acknowledged I was correct and still refused/weren't even able to revise evaluations, even in the case of a clear, demonstrable mistake.

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