Some things to search before coming on here and asking WHAT JOBS ARE ONLINE???

I see more of these post on multiple sub reddit and forum. Addressing people asking super generic and repeatable question.

I understand the frustration, and sometimes I feel like the one asking question is lazy and not even wanting to put effort into it.

But I think it's important to look at the other perspective, some people come across reddit with low to almost 0 knowledge about internet search. Maybe they only joint reddit 3 days ago and do not know how the site work. Now we can also see their state of mind, some of them joint in the desperate position, no knowledge needed some income.

This scenario is common because reddit is social free social media for everyone. I can also see that large amount of them who joint subreddit is beginner and wanting to learn more. So I think the occurrence of low effort or super generic question is expected. It's almost the nature of it.

I guess I am writing because I just wanna say, I think just wanna say these type of post is like naturally occurred, so just be okay with it. You can help them, or you can write general post regularly to address the general question. But just don't bashed them, which sometimes this "Recently I saw more beginner asking..." post tend to nudge most beginner a bit much. I don't think your post do that, just some other post I see.

Not native, I just write random stuff don't bashed me too :D

/r/WorkOnline Thread