treatment made them spread

I can confirm getting the gardasil-9 vaccine did in fact clear ALL my warts (Thank God, even the plantars). However, the vaccine is not able to get rid of the virus from an already infected bloodstream, so it sat dormant for a year I'm assuming? I guess I was exposed to HPV again because I now have new warts on my hands. Questions as you seem knowledgeable:

Isopropyl alcohol is not enough to kill the HPV? That is what I have been sanitizing with. Even my tools.

Even though I have already taken the vaccine, it worked wonders. It literally shrank all my warts down until they were gone, and has been the only thing that ever worked for me before besides cryosurgery. Is it possible to again take the HPV vaccine as a double vax to remedy my existing hand warts?

Thanks :)

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