A Tribute-level anime

It sounds like you're starting to look deeper into the medium which is cool and exciting stuff. You've also come up with your own terms and ideas by yourself which is great, but there's not enough information in your post to explain it to other people. To answer your question, we need to figure out what tribute level is.

Tribute level is a weird concept because it doesn't take into account execution or quality.

Is Monster Musume tribute level because the concept is 'monster girls' and the show delivers 'monster girls'?

Does the fact that it has appeal and a target audience exclude it?

Are Studio Ghibli films tribute level because the director tells everyone else to (not literally) fuck off and leave his design alone?

Is this not tribute level because making an experience for a wide audience means it can/will be profitable?

Do you mean 'anime created as art'?

A japanese animation not created for mass production? Yeah, sure. These exist. Just like indie films and that hippy with his handmade pots at the farmers market. You'll find them on youtube or small markets.

It's hard to bring up examples for discussion because information is missing so we can tell what it is we're supposed to be discussing.

/r/anime Thread