Trillionaires should not exist

Just saw this post on /r/all and have a non-troll question from someone who isn't a democratic socialist who wants to clarify their understanding of the Democratic Socialist platform. Jeff Bezos' wealth is pretty much all tied up in his ownership of Amazon (he doesn't have a bank account with billions of dollars in it, rather, his stock is worth that much). According to Amazon's 2020 Proxy Statement, Bezos currently owns roughly 15% of Amazon. His salary as CEO is de minimis (I think its listed at around $84,000/yr). So, in order to effectively get to his wealth, you would need to force him to sell his ownership of Amazon. Is it the Democratic Socialist view that he should be forced to sell his ownership of the business that he founded? This is a genuine question that I'm curious about, since it was my understanding that democratic socialists aren't for government ownership of the means of production, but forcing someone to sell their ownership interest seems to be contrary to that line of thinking. I'd appreciate hearing how different folks on this sub think about this. I'll plan to follow up on productive/thoughtful responses but if the discussion gets snarky I'll just delete my comment.

/r/DemocraticSocialism Thread Link -