True Blood - New Fan- What's going on with the ending?? Thoughts? Spoiler Beware

Hey, I didn't say the ending wasn't a plot hole. I was pointing out that what was SHOWN (which was Sookie having a drama-free life with another man without being constantly attacked by vampires) is in contradiction to what was TOLD (that Sookie would constantly be in danger if she kept being a fairy). The writers acted like Sookie being a fairy was the ONLY reason she was put in danger, which isn't true. Bill was a big factor in this, as I have already explained.

Do you have ANY logical reason why Bill's suicide somehow makes her safer?

I never said Bill's suicide made Sookie safer. I even pointed out the possibility that she could be targeted in the future, but at least she would have her fae abilities to fight back. What I said is that Bill is a huge reason for why she was targeted by other supernaturals, and that the drama stopped once he died.

I have already given my reasons for this. I am not going to explain myself again. At this point, we are going to agree to disagree.

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