Is it true Nightfalls tend to give better rolls?

No, but I wouldn't be shocked if there was a rational explanation for this.

For instance, while a lot of people, myself included, view perks as having an even drop rate, it's entirely possible that every perk has a different percent of appearing. So firefly on an Imago Loop might be a 1 percent chance, where as Outlaw might be 80 percent.

It's also possible and arguably quite likely that the Nightfall having more chances leads to this discrepancy too. Nightfalls give guaranteed legendary loot, so you're sure to have more people getting those than getting strike specific drops, leading to them having a better chance of getting a good roll and ultimately leading to this misconception.

To put it another way, here are three weapon drops I got next to three strike drops.

Class item: 86 percent roll, 88 percent roll, 90 percent roll. Nightfall: The Waltz HCR/Outlaw/Smallbore/Headseeker, Occram's Razor Performance Boost/Army of One/Hammer Forged/Quickdraw/Crowd Control, Ex Astris Hipfire/Life Support/Perfect Balance/Accelerated Coils/Hot Swap

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