
Look, let me put it to you this way, I've been playing guitar since i was 8 years old (I'm 19 now), and not no "smoke on the water" beginner shit. around 12 years old i started learning new tastes and realized i fell in love with thrash metal, specifically Metallica. By the age of 16 i was nailing solos and hitting scales like they were nothing, I had kids practically beg me to join their little shitty bands, and until i found one that was playing shows that i felt were my level i had to decline because the traveling was too much for me (practice not touring). after that, i heard about deadmau5, fell in love with him (i always knew about dance music, but i didnt know about the sub genres, all i knew was psych trance and i hated it, prog house was my style but i never knew what it was called). I started saving money, got a mac, and learned dance music. When i say dance music is the hardest form of music to play, i mean it so much, take it from somebody who was on both ends of the spectrum. I was doing all this "real music" stuff, but the only musical challenge I've ever had was downloading and learning ableton. fortunately for me i can say i make some solid music and a lot of people think so as well, and not even family, totally unbiased people on these forums, but keep in mind I've been making MUSIC since i was 8, so i have 11 years of song writing under my belt.

You honestly cannot get mad at these kids for thinking the way they think, it's their nature, they just dont know the element of dance music. Of course they're going to think its easy, the concept SOUNDS easy. Put it this way every, 13/14 year old kid thought they were king shit and could fuck a girl for hours straight just because they've managed to masturbate for a minute straight. These people just dont know, so it's not their fault, unfortunately it is their fault for being arrogant and not opening their mind up to the concept of how it works. Like hypothetically speaking, if me and you walked down the block of a busy street, and found somebody who had absolutely no musical skill at all, brought him into a room, and sat him down in front of an acoustic guitar, and any DAW, and limited him to an hour on both. That man would be able to make something nice sounding on the guitar, and ill bet money he won't even be able to understand how to make a midi clip on the daw. Bottom line is this, one is classified as audio engineering, and the other requires some motor skills, and comprehension of what sounds nice.

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