He thinks he's just a friend. I need to grow some balls and tell him he's not just a friend. I'm lost at how to go about this. How have girls done this to in the past? Or how would you want them to tell you?

Just get it over with and ask him out. Or be honest and ask if he's still interested... I had this similar (and ridiculous) situation: was friends with this guy for a few years. It started when we hooked up-ish (no sex, I was quite prudish) and I basically fell in love with him, but refused to say anything that even hinted at this, so we stayed just friends. Torturous initially, but after a couple of years I got completely over it and realised I had much more appealing options out there. Still really liked him as a friend though. THEN he decides maybe he is the relationship type, and asks me out. I rejected him but maintained I really want to be friends. Once he got over it (took a few months) we got back to being good friends again. He came to visit me overseas a few times and then when I moved back I decided I was into him. So my very mature strategy was to have fight with him over text about 'how come we hang out ALL THE TIME and you never make a move!?'. Yes he was suitably shocked as I had rejected him all those years ago. While I was convinced he should have realised things had changed. So this is a total of 6 years after we met, and we FINALLY got together. Cut to 6 months later, we both start ignoring each other - him because I assume he lost interest, and me because my response to someone icing me out is to ice them out even harder dammit. Anyway we broke up. Moral of the story: don't secretly lust after a friend for years without telling them. Even if it turns out they feel the same way, it may not last. You can waste years not actively looking for someone you can actually end up with long term because you're holding out hope the friendship may turn into something more. Also, don't try to tell a boy you like them by initiating a fight over text. I mean it worked out temporarily in my case but I wouldn't recommend it.

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