The Twitter conversation didn’t go so well, but this video is actually pretty encouraging.

If the gas limit can be increased for both, why bring this up as a criticism of Cardano's capabilities in the first place?

Also, Cardano is not dPOS. It gives voting power to each holder, in proportion to their holdings no matter where the holder stakes to. It is not subject to the same vulnerabilities.

Regarding TPS limitations, Cardano does have a magic trick up its sleeve. Hydra.

Unfortunately, until Ethereum's congestion is resolved (which I'm sure it will be), the network will remain bloated. While this remains the case, there is a space to be filled in the crypto space. Like or hate the CEO, Cardano is in prime position to fill that space, and soon.

Anyway, thank you for an open discussion, you've given me some things consider and research further.

All the best, u/epic_trader

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