Two Months in 35 F life long acne. NSFW because partial chest. Details in comments.

I started getting pimples at age 8. By age 13 I was infested— we tried Accutane then, but my parents didn’t tell me the rules about sun exposure, sunscreen, and lotion. Back then, there wasn’t a lot of information online. I stopped taking it because of severe rashes, purging, and sunburns. The sun will make purging worse.

Since then I tried cleaning up my diet, cutting dairy, creams over the counter and prescribed, washes, birth control, antibiotics, and spiro. Even though my acne got a bit better, I’d randomly get very bad breakouts on my face/chest/back/neck.

After having great luck with minocycline for a year, my body began doing the sort of breakouts seen above. Small and oddly itchy acne.

I finally got on Accutane and am at the end of month two. The dermatologist predicts I’ll be on it 6-8 months at 30mg twice a day. I’ve has a lot of side effects. Terrible and painful periods, dry lips, aching joints, and headaches. I’d say it’s worth it so far.

I wish I tried this again a decade ago! I’ll keep you all updated.

/r/Accutane Thread Link -