U.S Student wanting to work in Toronto

Here’s my two cents as someone who grew up + studied in Canada and is currently working in the US but looking to move back to Canada…

  • quality of life is much better in Canada than the states. There’s no argument about that and all the people who say otherwise on this sub have probably never lived and worked in America. It’s pretty rough out there unless your a white collar just like in Canada.

  • taxes are more or less the same depending on what state/city your in. Sure there’s no income taxes in Florida or Texas but it’s marginal and those savings go to other higher taxes like property taxes.

  • COL is about the same or even more again depending on what city/state your in. The buying power of consumers has gown down just as much as it has in Canada. Things are expensive af in the states too.

  • yes the average software engineer salary is higher in the states but those are for F500 jobs majority of the time

  • there are no safety nets here and all your insurances is dependent on your employer so if your trying to start a family or settle down permanently here be cautious of the golden handcuffs.

The only real benefit is the USD to CAD conversion rate if your just tryna save money and getting a chance to work and being at an American tech company is priceless experience and definitely will boost your resume.

/r/cscareerquestionsCAD Thread