Hi everyone! I am increasingly drawn towards a more plant based diet, with some intricacies.

Can we please stop pretending mean jokes are whats pushing people away from veganism. Mean jokes don't make someone okay with other immoral acts like assault and stealing, so why would they make someone okay with eating meat. If you find something unethical, you find it unethical, whether or not someone from that community offends you. Are peoples egos so fragile that someone's words is the difference between them doing the right and wrong thing. I understand you are frustrated because of a mean joke, but putting the blame on the mean vegans rather than those committing the acts is tired. Also lots of black and white things are good when it comes to violence. Assault against women and children, black and white bad. Setting houses on fire, black and white bad. Its fair you don't agree with the stance, but im sure there are many stance you are black and white on. I hope, for example, you could agree murdering someone for no reason is black and white bad.

/r/vegan Thread Parent