So uh... how do you go about talking to girls you don't know

How about not being so forward? A friendship is a gradual thing. You're not gonna find a best friend in a day. Also try to think of them as individuals and not by their gender. Youre looking for a friend, not a package deal.

Dude. You're making this worse than it is. No one wants to date you and no one thinks you want to date them. Dont be weird when asking to hang out or for a number and do it after you guys have clicked or had some good talks. Try saying something like "Haha this was kinda fun. Wanna hang out sometime as friends? You can invite some others if you want." Then if she says no, dont sweat it. Just smile and move on, she doesnt owe u shit and not everyone's gonna like you. If she says sure then say something like "alright! I'll let u know when I'm free. Lemme add u?" (Give her your phone to add her number or something)

It's really not that hard. You're making it more complex.

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