The UK is about to have its first 24 hours without coal since the Industrial Revolution

Yes there is, but everybody would have to pull their weight, and you try and get your fair share from shitholes in Africa so everybody can be equel, it's impossible

So you're saying if everyone worked you'd be fine with socialism ? Or do you think the market is already a fair determiner of what 'fair share' means and someone slaving away in the Congo for pennies is being paid equitably ?

Hahahaha what the fuck man?

Hmm... throws around 'retarded' and 'mongoloid', regards the poor as lesser beings, believes in social darwinism....

Well according to you I'm part of the "exploited class" and I'm doing well so go figure.

Congrats, you're somehow doing well on minimum wage. Not everyone in your position agrees with you. Not everyone even gets a job in the first place, or such a wage if they do.

They would be wrong then?

No they'd be right. Go google figurehead. Literally the first five lines of the wiki article mention the Queen of England. End of argument.

Now I have answered all of your questions and frankly I'm bored

Well we can agree on the discussion being boring and useless.

of talking to a socialist who denies all examples of socialism failing.

"DAE Jugoslavia never existed lol"

Capitalism fails literally all of south america, africa, most of asia, eastern europe, and the lower classes in the US and western europe.

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