Unexpected Leopard PT A Mastery...

Description: I had no idea this would be a mastery game but here we go. The map was Black Goldville. Everyone went to the medium side and our ST-1 stayed back at the houses in spawn. I rush up and take C site with the rest of my team. Enemy team took B and C. I rushed down to the B site to try and catch someone off guard, and there was a ISU-152 and a Batchat down there. I put a shot into the batchat, which was running to our spawn in an attempt to flank. I then destory the isu152 in 3 quick shots, and rushed to help our st1, who was on low health and being rushed by 6 tanks. I put several shots into a t54 ltwt and a type61(with stock gun luckily), who proceeded to run around the battlefield. Our team focus fired on a tracked is8 which was trying to kill the st1, but died trying to do so. The type61 and the ltwt came flying back, as I rammed the type61, and put a killing shot into the ltwt. This is my first time writing a description, so please tell me how to improve!

P.S. What is the site to check the mastery damages, and stuff, I want to check them :D

/r/WorldOfTanksBlitz Thread Link - i.redd.it