Unpopular opinion but contessa overreacted

Contessa talked about her marriage for 2 years straight and how bad her husband was. But when Scott said contessa act like a drill sergeant at home I believe it because look how she acted. Heavenly only repeated the same topics they aired on the show and gave her POV. She didn’t air nothing contessa said to her in private. Some people just don’t like to hear the truth. Her husband was in folks DMs and belittling her. All of this was aired on the show.

Jackie know her husband was cheating and she took him back. What heavenly said was true about about her husband. He did have ass in his face, we all seen it. She not even perfect when she told everybody Buffy reproductive business.

Toya do need a damn job. Her husband expressed he feel like she sinking and he is loosing his passion for medicine. all she could talk about was her self care. Everything is about her.

Simone do flip flop. They aired it on the show if you’ve watched all seasons. Her and her bestie Jackie even fell out.

Only person that should be mad is Quad and she wasn’t even going off like that. But she apologized to Quad at contessa house about sleeping with married men.

Heavenly don’t talk junk about her man or family in public. She always build dr Damon up. Maybe if they would’ve kept their infidelities private and not aired all their business on a TV show she wouldn’t have had nothing to speak on.

But they all talk shit about each other behind their backs. They have aired it on the show. She just say her shit in public. I personally would be mad if you talk junk behind my back.

/r/MarriedToMedicine Thread