Unpopular opinion: immigration to Utah is good for the place

No, I’ve visited the Bay Area though.

I respect your opinion. I think I might just be projecting because things about California annoy me and I’ve had a handful of bad experiences with native Californians here, but truthfully, I should invest myself more before making snap-judgements.

I do think that the state would really, really benefit from a touch of economic populism though. I don’t criticize California because I hate it, but rather, I want the state to justify why it deserves to be the best manifestation of American culture and cutting-edge again. I don’t think it’s heading down a good path right now and that makes me sad.

Historically, California has been a place of art, ingenuity and depth but I don’t want it to become a land of runaway inequality and soulless corporate elitism. I think the state should strive more to live up to its standard and reputation as a place where all members of society are equally respected and that no one has to feel extremely insecure or less fortunate than others.

/r/Utah Thread Parent