Justin Trudeau backs Chinese anti-lockdown protesters... after cracking down on anti-lockdown protesters in Canada earlier this year

Don't need to hurt China to benefit Canada.

If Canadians have half of a brain, they see the benefit of closer trade with China.

Let's face it, the USA isn't gonna be daddy Sam forever, their influence is fading. As time already showed, the USA is always going to put their interest first, that includes rip apart nafda and free trade to protect the US industry. Canada slaved itself to the USA, Canada needed to send their crude oil to the USA for the refinery and then buy it back.... The stupidity of Canadians.

This world is a dog eat dog world. The first and most critical mission is to take care of their own citizens, that means diversify investment and trade. The government is very good at failing. It will be a rude and violent realization when shit hits the fan.

It was clear during the recent g20. Xi met with 8 different world leaders back to back during a busy 2 day summit. Trudeau and Sunik met with no one, they were so free they took pictures at the bar drinking while real world leaders were busy making deals. Joe Biden met with xi, and then he went to bed. Clearly, the world has their eye on China, and China is the future of the world trade.

Everyone can pretend all the fake news they want. China is the future. While true, China has many problems. At least China is trying to fix their own problems, and trying to take care of their own citizens. While Biden and Trudeau are busy spreading fake news and privatizing the wealth and socializing the losses.

Canada is busy identifying as bull shits and accusing China of influencing their election. While uncle Sam already has direct control over Canadian politics.

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