Gun folks, what would it take for you to get rid of your guns? Conversely, anti-gun folks, what would it take for you to get a gun?

You don’t get ‘lucky’ with good marksmanship and training. You get a predictable outcome because you took the time to train to be effective.

For someone throwing out naivety left and right in your criticisms of me, a complete stranger, this is a pretty damn naive stance. What if the "bad guy" also practices as much or more? What if you get burglarized by 5 armed dudes, not 1? Luck is infinitely part of the equation in every aspect of life. Training can help you, yes, if you get lucky with being thrust into a situation that was bad but that was answerable by your training. Sometimes life will just decide that you're fucked regardless of what effort you put into not letting it be that way. Unless you can shoot bullets out of the air, your gun isn't going to save you from every or even most lethal situations. It can save you, if you're lucky and prepared.

And you seem to be making a lot of assumptions about me, that I don't know my way around a firearm or am not in a dangerous area. Neither of those assumptions are accurate. If you have people worth protecting, in my view, that is even stronger of an argument against owning a firearm. Even as safe as you possibly believe it is stored, there is still a non zero probability of your firearm ending one of your loved ones lives, and that is not odds that I'm comfortable with, I cherish my life and my family's life.

I don't think we're going to come to a point of agreement here. You and I both believe in street smarts and having your wits about you, but I don't believe in a weapon where once you squeeze a trigger, the projectile permanently leaves your control. End of argument, and let me just say that I don't really appreciate how you argue by applying statements to me as a person, like where you said

because you're close minded.

Not everyone who disagrees with you deserves to be insulted.

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