Update on the Solo ‘Hawkeye’ Project

Wrong approach, in my opinion. 21 movies in, the MCU hasn't given us a single reason why we, as an audience, should care about Hawkeye. For crying out loud, he's only known as the butt of a joke, even among us hardcore fans, and now they think people would care about a movie featuring him? I mean, even the Black Widow movie is turning out to be divisive in the fandom, and Natasha is waaaaay more popular than Hawkeye.

The truth is, at this point, the only way I can see people getting their ass to the movie theater to see a Hawkeye movie is if they adapt "Old Man Hawkeye." Built the movie around the concept of the dystopic future of the MCU, and that way people would go for the setting and the potential cameos. Because right now it's too late to pretend they ever gave a shit about Hawkeye.

(Man, sorry for the rant but I'm just too fired up)

/r/marvelstudios Thread Link - mcucosmic.com