*Update* THANKS, PEOPLE! I talked to my Redpill brother and I have good news.

I can give you another perspective of TRP as well. And I'm not looking for a pity party but I do want to show what it can be like on the other end.

I personally have witnessed nothing but failed marriages and horrifically abusive and unhealthy relationships for pretty much my entire life. Sometimes it affected me directly and other times more obliquely.

Power has been a constant in my life as most who could wield it over me were malicious or unintentionally damaging (selfishness or apathy) so I very quickly became aware of the fact that having power over others was the only way to protect myself. Unfortunately, I did not understand how to acquire it until I was much older. Now things are very different but being constantly prepared for everyone to screw you over is exhausting and can be a bit lonely at times. I have accepted this as my lot in life and take what pleasures I can using the techniques I've learned over the years.

Either way, it made me quite cynical of he idea of my own romantic success and most likely hamstrung my ability to develop meaningful relationships with others. My past relationships were similar to my examples and I was the cliche nice guy who was steamrolled repeatedly in relationships at a very high emotional cost. Everyone has their breaking point and after years I had reached mine. Fed up with constant emotional losses I had decided I was going to take things into my own hands and start winning for a change. TRP techniques combined with my own have allowed me to finally be able to get some enjoyment of some sort from "relationships", shallow as they may be. All of my interactions with women are based upon control of my emotions and never letting them inside my head. Once you care more than them, it's over. Always care less. This is about as fulfilling as it will likely get for us.

From my own observations of TRPers and moments of introspection I have concluded that once the mind has sustained a certain amount of emotional damage, the ability to form deep emotional connections is severely impaired or destroyed completely. I'm willing to bet that the average TRPer's actions make much more sense when taken in the context of their experiences.

The red pill is for people who have been badly burned and are desperate to regain power in their lives as being on the wrong end of a power dynamic is the nexus for much of their suffering. People who are happy with their lives and relationships typically do not go there.

Some may consider TRP methods to be unethical. While that may be true, used correctly, TRP is remarkably effective and allows for power dynamics to shift in favor of those who were once powerless; it is an extremely potent defense mechanism. You should be grateful that your life experiences did not require you to take this path.

It's very difficult to convey these complex feelings in a wall of text on my phone so I apologize if it comes off as a bit incoherent.

It can almost be summed up as:

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.

I will probably come back and edit this later to clean it up.

Additionally, this is my own unique experience and TRPers are likely to be on a gradient with some having mild issues and others with severe emotional trauma from past relationships.

Finally, this isn't a post looking for an argument. It's an explanation and any baiting will simply be ignored.

/r/TheBluePill Thread