Was ureaplasma not IC

I understand what you mean but it’s very dangerous to speak about your experience and then try to generalise it and make it everyone’s experience.

Everyone is completely different for sure and that’s why I think it’s good to talk about Ureaplasma and potentially other infections apart from IC, isn’t raising general awareness and potentially helping others the main goal?

I know what you mean with long term antibiotics but I have seen individuals on the imbedded UTI communities on Facebook saying that they’ve had positive experiences with Harvey St or Dr B and their symptoms are completely gone and are able to live normal lives now.

I think it’s dangerous for us in these groups trying to dissuade people for wanting to get tested or treated for certain infections or undertaking certain procedures. I like that we can all have a say in these things, whether our experiences be good or bad - but without putting a negative connotation on these things.

I have seen so much slander about Ureaplasma and general long term antibiotic use across reddit and Facebook - but individuals have been cured by treating ureaplasma and by treating UTIs with long term antibiotics.

It’s not a one size fits all approach for everyone and I think the more we move away from that, the more open we are about alternative approaches and treatments, the more open and honest communications we can have in these chats.

/r/Interstitialcystitis Thread Parent