USAA is horrible to work with when making claims. Far worse than they used to be.

I work in the claims department. Sorry to hear about the bad experience. All of us are pretty frustrated, too. A couple years ago claims were handled by region, ie adjusters would have a small handful of states usually and that was it. The management decided to broaden to where anyone in non injury could handle any state without giving any consideration to the fact that each state comes with its own set of laws and nuances and time zones. They kept the injury teams with their regional setup but non injury definitely suffered. Still to this day they find out new things about each state and the laws are constantly changing. It's too much to keep up with. Then they decided to dissolve the total loss department because every hurricane season would put them behind. So they gave all of claims two days of the shittiest training imaginable and dropped it on us right before hurricane season. The result? All of claims is now overworked because while the total loss side is not that complicated the sheer amount of work it adds is more than can be handled in a 40 hour week. Even better, we can't even catch up because despite being told "you'll only be handling a small part of it" we have to take status calls which are bogging us down further. We used to love our work and did a halfway decent job but now you have adjusters giving up their days off just to come in and work whatever they couldn't during the week just to stay afloat. Some cry in their cars or at their desks. Some have gotten so stressed that their blood pressure is at heart attack levels. Management won't listen to claims' cries for help because somehow, despite the ones that fall through the cracks, the numbers have actually improved. So the end result? We have to screen our voicemails and prioritize any calls we make when we get the chance to make a call between the inbound ones to put out the biggest fires. Terrible experience for the members, of which I am one.. for now. Sorry guys.

/r/USAA Thread