Using Git and deleting your folder to fix some weird error? Say no more: This site will teach you Git!

As someone with a math degree that never learned to program 'properly', but is in a programming role currently, I feel like I shouldn't have to use third party resources to learn how to do something that is critical for my job.

Maybe this is an issue with my company specifically, but when I told them I literally know nothing about GIT at all, they had an 'internal course' that lasted an hour and showed me how to do everything mechanically, but not why.

I did the first couple lessons in this guide, but it still isn't explaining WHY I need to do things, only how. I feel like this probably isn't something a guide will teach me.

This, for me, has been the trouble of learning git. Not the actual mechanics, but knowing when to branch (EARLY AND OFTEN) but I always end up with a retarded tree that has only a trunk and continued development with lots of branches, but no actual branching. I'm obviously missing something fundamental.

It's very much "I use git because they TOLD me to use it". I realize this is a programming subreddit and I'm not a classically trained programmer, but fuck me, my company can't expect me to learn this on my own time, and without even offering training it's beyond useless.

I do feel like a lot of people doing programming nowadays are non-classically trained programmers, and to me, a guide like this is useless.

Not bashing you, just my $0.02

I would love to use git properly

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