Vaccine now available for 30+

Excellent news!!!! I can't wait for it to be my turn to make an appointment!! I'm 29 (if only I was born 4 months prior lol) and I only fit in 1 chronic condition category. Good thing I'm able to work from home. The office actuslly asked me if I can work from home till mid-July at the minimum because an intern is using my office. I still 100% wear a mask when I'm outside even if I can maintain 6 feet appart from other people. I think I'll still wear my mask for a long while after I get the vaccine.

My worst nightmare would be to catch Covid now while we're almost at the finish line and be the youngest one to die from it (it would not surprise me one bit, I almost died from - example - chicken pox... a pet rat scratch (rat fever)...etc I am also not allowed to own a cat nor clean their litter and HIGHLY recommended to not go through pregnancy. Worst case scenario, I get the vaccine at the end of June, woohoo!!

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