All options on table as province looks to future of health care, including privatization and user fees

Did anyone here actually fucking read beyond the misleading CBC headline?

“She promised all topics and potential reforms will be on the table if the public demands it, including more private services, user fees and increased access to abortion.”

More private services, not privatization of our healthcare system? Oh and I know this is NB Reddit, and you’re all a bunch of Higgs haters and no matter what he does you sit behind your keyboard and say it’s wrong but they’re actually doing this right.. Consulting before making changes. Instead of just trying to change things like with the overnight ER closures.

AND THEY’RE ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT MORE ACCESS TO ABORTION. Nothing is good enough for the left wing NB Reddit if Higgs name is attached to it. Holy fuck take some pride for once that NB is heading in the right direction for the cards we’ve been dealt.

/r/newbrunswickcanada Thread Link -