Check out who Ted Flemming is following on Twitter if you want an idea of where he's getting his policies from

The FPTP system in NB is a recipe for PC Majorities with a minority of the popular vote... even with the People's Alliance, but especially without them.

That's funny, I don't remember hearing people complain when the Liberals won every seat in NB in 1987.

Also, Conservatives won the popular vote federally. Shouldn't that mean they got the most seats in Federal Parliament?

The Pandemic election was bullshit, and their actions since getting a majority are even more bullshit.

Two other provinces had elections during the pandemic and made out fine, thank you very much. The case count in NB at the time was very low, too.

needed to fix the multitude of problems present in NB today... the only problem they are consistent on is the debt, but they are so debt averse, that they risk actually slowing down our economic growth/ risk our credit rating taking an even bigger hit, all while lending has been at historical lows. The conservatives aren't great money managers... they are just cheap!

NB's debt was growing at an alarming rate for the past 20 years, which is why the government was considering selling NB Power (not that I agreed with it). Something had to be done to stop the bleeding, and it's government did a shit job of managing money prior to the PCs getting in.

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