VBA for converting specific items numbers in one column by using data from another column

Sub catchDiscrepancies() Dim myWS As Worksheet Dim sourceBCounter As Long Dim sourceACounter As Long Dim amount As String Dim bQuantity As Double

Dim matFound As Boolean

Set myWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SAP")

sourceBCounter = 2 Do While myWS.Range("G" & sourceBCounter).Value <> "" matFound = False

sourceACounter = 2
Do While myWS.Range("A" & sourceACounter).Value <> ""
  If myWS.Range("A" & sourceACounter).Value = myWS.Range("G" & sourceBCounter).Value And myWS.Range("C" & sourceACounter).Value = myWS.Range("J" & sourceBCounter).Value Then
    matFound = True
    Exit Do
  End If
  sourceACounter = sourceACounter + 1

If matFound Then
  If InStr(1, UCase(myWS.Range("B" & sourceACounter).Value), "KG", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
    myWS.Range("L" & sourceBCounter).Value = "Bad: Could not find KG in description"
    If InStr(1, UCase(myWS.Range("B" & sourceACounter).Value), " KG", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
      amount = Left(myWS.Range("B" & sourceACounter).Value, InStr(1, UCase(myWS.Range("B" & sourceACounter).Value), "KG", vbTextCompare) - 1)
      amount = Left(myWS.Range("B" & sourceACounter).Value, InStr(1, UCase(myWS.Range("B" & sourceACounter).Value), " KG", vbTextCompare) - 1)
    End If
    If InStr(1, amount, " ", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
      amount = Mid(amount, InStrRev(amount, " ") + 1)
    End If
  End If
  bQuantity = CDbl(amount) * myWS.Range("K" & sourceBCounter).Value

  If bQuantity <> myWS.Range("D" & sourceACounter).Value Then
    myWS.Range("L" & sourceBCounter).Value = "Bad: A Qty: " & myWS.Range("D" & sourceACounter).Value & " <> B Qty: " & bQuantity
    myWS.Range("L" & sourceBCounter).Value = "Ok"
  End If
  myWS.Range("L" & sourceBCounter).Value = "Bad: Not found in source A list"
End If
sourceBCounter = sourceBCounter + 1


End Sub

It definitely loaded and went through but I don't see any changes at all

/r/excel Thread Parent