How should I handle random "outbursts" like this? I became defensive. He has become anti-vaxx recently and is "triggered" from financial stress of being the only income source, he makes good money and we aren't struggling, he just had a rough couple of days at work being in high pressure sales.

This is an unnecessary, inflammatory and biased comment. I know where you're coming from and it's completely inappropriate HERE! OP doesn't need this fear mongering on top of her other concerns. Take your biased, dangerous leftist comments and keep them safe in your own head. Ass! ( I'm sorry OP, plz ignore this person, there is no need to worry he will " get worse". He had a bad day or two, if it passes and ceases to happen again, give the guy a break. Fellow Redditors should show restraint and compassion for you and husband, no one here lives under your roof and should make suggestions or give advice on topics( your house/family) they know nothing about. Good luck, hang in there.

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