As a vegan I love plastic and slave labour

People really really like to find a reason that people doing something good are actually stupid and bad because it absolves them of thinking about the fact that they are morally inferior for not doing that thing. The alternative is either changing their lifestyle or putting in work (requires effort which is a bad thing) or admitting that not everyone can live a 100% ethical lifestyle all the time and it's okay to just do some good (requires you to give up being morally superior to everyone else).

People on the internet will shit on anything good you do. If you volunteer at an animal shelter you're dumb for not volunteering at a homeless shelter instead and only caring about animals. If you try to go zero waste you're an idiot because most environmental destruction is actually caused by big corporations and you should put your effort into fighting them. If you donate money to a charity that helps domestic violence victims you're a moron because actually you should have donated that money to help starving orphans in Ukraine.

Like, I'd be fine if someone said "I'm not going vegan but I recognize it is morally good to do so" but instead they always have to contort it into "I'm not going vegan and also I'm better than vegans who are all horrible people."

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